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Chanakyaneeti the ancient wisdom text which develops our personality many folds. Understanding sanskrit shloks of chankyaneeti guides us in different fronts during our life journey. 

Special – A pregnant mother learning Chankyaneeti during pregnnacy, develops virtues in her uterine baby. 

Develop in Yourself

  • Intelligence
  • Knowledge
  • Power
  • Broad Vision
  • Fluent Speech
  • Patriotism 

Covers Popular Sanskrit Shloks with their Meaning.


Ramayan Chanting Sessions are special sessions of 100 Shloki Valmiki Ramayan in Sanskrit where we learn Chanting of sanskrit verses and also their meaning. 

Special – A pregnant mother must chant Ramayan Sanskrit Versus for the well being of the baby and for Uttam Sanskar of the baby. 

Why to join?

  • Learn Clear Sanskrit Shlok Chanting.
  • Build positivity and positive aura around you.
  • Mother of little babies must chant to purify their own aura and give good vibrations to their babies.
  • Activate your Pineal, Pituitary Gland and balance your endocrine system.
  • Cure anxiety, depression, stress and any mental illness.
  • Above all Happiness and Charge of your life.
  • All Beej Sanskar, Garbh Sanskar & Shishu Sanskar Couples are requested to attend. (Pre Planning Couples, Pregnant Mothers & New Mommies of little divine babies)

Happy Life Style Program

We are successful yet stressed
We have relations but alone,
We are earning but busy.

This program is for Everyone who are willing to adapt to a healthy, happy and nurturing lifestyle. Designed especially for leaders, CEO, CFO, Entrepreneurs and Heads of the organisation. 

With this program that spans over 4 Sessions, we share simple implementable yet effective secrets of Lifestyle. We work with you hand in hand to have little self-changes, adaptations, inclusions of Effective Life Keys that unlock the lock of your life.

Session Details:

  1. Knowing Thyself.
  2. Best Food for Life.
  3. Connecting To Supreme Self.
  4. Your Best Life Style. 

Ayurveda for Life

Ayurveda is not just a medical science but it’s actually Veda of Ayush – Longetivity.  It is preventive system of medicine. The program reveals the simple secrets of Ayurveda which can be practised in day to day life reaping the benefits of Physical and Mental well being with Ayurveda. 

Program Details : 

  • Know Secrets of Ayurveda
  • Right Aahar – Food
  • Right Vihaar -Life style
  • Right Aachar – Conduct 

And much more that makes your life Stress and Disease Free by nature of Ayush- Veda.

Yoga Sessions

Yog comes from Sanskrit Dhatu ‘Yuj’ which means to connect, to unite. It is the process of connecting the physical self to the mental and spiritual self. 

Yoga is not just a set of exercises but it is your inner connect to your inner self. 

Explore the world of Yoga with our special programs covering various forms of Classical and Modern Yoga practises comprising of 

  • Shukshm Vyayam – Pre Preparatory Exercises
  • Aasan – Poses
  • Pranayam – Breathing Exercises
  • Pratyahaar – Withdrawing senses.


Meditation means the contemplate, to spend time with oneself, to connect to your inner self, to be with nothing ! 

Meditation cannot be taught it just happens.

We here work with you on various formats of meditation and give you a taste of what it is like experiencing sometime with self that paves a way for your natural state of meditation. 

Dhyan – Meditation Forms

  • Color Therapy Meditation
  • Jappa Meditation 
  • Beej Mantra Dhyan 
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Object Meditation
